The Trend of "Super Orange, Wolf Moon" needs to stop.

Image of Full Moon

If you think about it, the commonality of articles covering the phases of the moon promising rare events...., every 29 days or so. They all seem to have headlines like,

"Blue super moon won't reappear until x date way in the future." "Ultra Rare Stay Home moon to appear to shine brightly."

It needs to stop

In the ancient past, and depending on what astrologically active pre-modern civilization you ask, there are names for each full moon for what season, and how many full moons you see in that season this was before our current Roman style calendar. Here are some of the traditional American names for full moons.

  • Wolf Moon
  • Snow Moon
  • Worm Moon
  • Pink Moon
  • Flower Moon
  • Strawberry Moon
  • Buck Moon
  • Sturgeon Moon
  • Blue Moon
  • Harvest Moon
  • Hunter's Moon
  • Beaver Moon
  • Cold Moon

Now you add these full moons' names to the commonly occurring Super Moon and get your insane headlines.

The number of Full Moon supermoons in a year can vary. According to NASA, there are about 3 to 4 supermoons annually. A Moon is a supermoon when the moon's orbit around Earth is at its perigee or when the distance between Earth and the moon is the smallest. It's about 16% larger - or the relative difference between a nickel and a quarter.

Observing a Supermoon on a clear night is fun; it's very bright. The tides are stronger, but the tides don't care if the moon is visible to humans or not. so every 29 days, the tides are higher, regardless of the moon's phase.